Do you have different sexual desire levels? Do you both feel unsatisfied?
Sexual issues on any level can cause shame, anxiety, depression, or negative thinking in your life. We lead chaotic lives prioritized by our obligations to other people. It is easy to let our personal needs fall to the wayside when there are so many things competing for our attention.
Relationships are hard. Sexuality is complex. We often tell ourselves, “I don’t have time to worry about that right now.” The truth is our relationships and sexual health are vital components to a happy and well-balanced life. If your relationship and sex life are suffering, please know you are not alone. I am here to help you find the love and pleasure you deserve.
Sexual health issues can include:
Intimacy issues
Anxiety, depression
Communication issues
Inability to orgasm
Low sexual desire
Sexual desire discrepancies
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Delayed Ejaculation (DE)
Enjoy a more fulfilling sex life by enhancing your intimacy.
Are you having Erectile and Ejaculation issues?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation (PE) and Delayed Ejaculation (DE) are all very common in men’s sexual health issues. Many men have atleast one occurence in their life. There are a number of physical and emotional causes that may contribute to any kind of erectile and ejaculatory difficulty. Physical causes may be certain injuries causing nerve damage, medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, some types of prescription drugs, even alcohol and tobacco use may affect erections and ejaculation. I normally recommend you to visit an urologist to rule out any of these physical causes. Other issues may be psychological or emotional. This may be depression, anxiety, and/or stress. Any kind of worry and pressure to perform may interfere in your concentration in the bedroom. Rest assured that during our sessions we will provide a solution-focused environment that is open, safe, and confidential.
Do you suffer from painful sex, difficulty reaching orgasm, or low sexual desire?
You are not alone, many women do too. The first thing I recommend are for my clients to visit a sex positive gynecologist who specializes in pelvic pain to rule out any physical problems contributing to these issues. This allows me to work on the emotional or psychological issues that can contribute. A few of these issues may include high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, past sexual abuse, shame or embarrassment, and feelings of disconnection in your relationship.
Therapy can help you learn more about you and your partner’s sexual needs and desires. Together we will address many of the issues mentioned before, resolving these causes and helping you enjoy your sexual life in your relationship.
Is sex therapy only available in Houston?
While I traditionally offer in-person sex therapy in the Houston area, our offices in Houston’s Montrose area and The Woodlands are currently closed. But you can take your first step towards the intimacy you dream of having today with Online Telehealth sex counseling sessions now available to those in Texas, North Carolina and Florida. Contact me today to begin your journey.
What is sex therapy?
Sex therapy is a psychotherapy process that specifically addresses the needs of individuals and couples who have concerns about their sexual desires, relationships, pleasures, or performance. A solution-focused approach is used to provide clients with resources, tools, and skills to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship.
Am I the only person with sex issues?
Absolutely not!! You are not alone. Anywhere from 35 to 50 percent of people struggle with long term sexual difficulties over the course of their lives and in relationships.
Can sex therapy help?
Counseling gets to the problem. Disappointment, hurt, anger, resentment, accusations, inhibition, and embarrassment often block the very discussion most needed to deal with sexual concerns.
At Center for Change & Well-Being we provide an environment of safety, confidentiality, and compassion. We make it a priority that individuals and couples feel truly heard and understood as we break through these roadblocks to sexual fulfillment.
Offering Online Zoom Telehealth Sessions
Office locations in Houston's Montrose area and The Woodlands are currently closed.
Now serving Texas via Teleheath Sessions!
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