Are you on the verge of breaking up?  Do you both feel disconnected?

Over the years all relationships suffer normal wear and tear. Everyday life puts a strain in your intimate connection, threatening the stability of the relationship. As long as you and your partner are willing to find ways to connect, to effectively communicate your wants and needs as well as nurture each other’s self-growth, you can have a healthy long lasting relationship. This is what I help couples with.

I know how important it is to feel connected with your partner and the need to feel like you are understood.  In relationship therapy, I want to help you both find a deeper, more meaningful connection in your relationship, be able to fight fairly, and resolve your conflicts without emotionally hurting each other.

Is Couples Therapy only available in Houston?

While I traditionally offer in-person couples therapy in the Houston area, our offices in Houston’s Montrose area and The Woodlands are currently closed. But you can take your first step towards the relationship you dream of having today with Online Telehealth couples counseling sessions now available to those in Texas, North Carolina and Florida. Contact me today to begin your journey.

Couples Therapy can include:

Intimacy issues

Betrayal/Trust issues

Communication issues

Dissatisfaction in relationship

Emotional abuse

Sexual Health Issues

Sexual concerns

Non-traditional relationships

Find a deeper, more meaningful connection in your relationship.

Is your relationship pointing to abuse?

It’s healthy for all relationships to argue sometimes, but when insults, intimidation, criticism, threats, or humiliation become usual, you may be in an emotional abusive relationship. Learn more about the Signs of emotional or psychological abuse.

Emotional or psychological abusive relationships are frequently harder to recognize than physical abusive relationships. This type of relationship can be very subtle, but the impact can be as severe as or worse than that of physical abuse. During therapy, I will help you set healthy boundaries between you and your partner.

Feeling disconnected? Not heard?

Communication problems are often a factor in all relationships. Sometimes it can be really difficult to communicate your wants and needs to your partner, making it easy to just give up on the relationship.

Every relationship is different, and when partners repeatedly avoid communication or engage in heated fights; resentment builds, and repairs become more difficult.

As your couple therapist I will help you identify what the real issues are and recognize the areas that are causing strain in your relationship.


Ready to get started with Couples Therapy?

Whether you’re looking to find couples counseling in the Houston area, or you’re interested in online telehealth sessions for any resident in Texas, North Carolina and Florida, contact me today to get started.

What are the signs of an emotional or psychological abuse?
  • Yelling or swearing at each other
  • Name calling or insults; mocking.
  • Threats and intimidation toward your partner
  • Ignoring or excluding your partner
  • Isolating a partner from friends and family
  • Humiliating your partner
  • Denial of the abuse and blaming of your partner
Do we need couple’s therapy?

Couple’s therapy can be helpful when there is an issue with emotional or psychological abuse only if both of you are motivated and dedicated to change your relationship.  If there is repeated physical violence, I normally do not recommend couple’s therapy, however, individual therapy has been known to be more helpful.

If you are a victim of physical domestic violence and fear for your safety, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).

Offering Online Zoom Telehealth Sessions

Office locations in Houston's Montrose area and The Woodlands are currently closed.
Now serving Texas via Teleheath Sessions!

5 SEX Myths Unlocked

5 SEX Myths Unlocked

Everyone has visions about how sex “should” be.  These ideas may have come from our friends, something we saw on TV, or perhaps these ideas were from experiences at the beginning of your current relationship, or previous relationships.  No matter where you developed...

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